Orthopedic Spine Surgeon in Frisco, TX

Top Frisco Orthopedic Spine Surgeons

orthopedic spine surgeon in frisco

At the Advanced Spine Center, we are dedicated to providing exceptional Frisco spine care, specializing in diagnosing and treating a wide range of spine-related conditions. Led by Dr. Courtney, a highly skilled and experienced orthopedic spine surgeon, our team is committed to delivering personalized, compassionate care to our patients.

Focusing on precision, innovation, and patient-centric approaches, we strive to restore mobility, alleviate pain, and enhance the quality of life for individuals dealing with spinal issues. Dr. Courtney brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the field of orthopedic spine surgery, offering comprehensive evaluations, advanced treatment options, and individualized care plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.

To schedule an appointment with us, please call our office at 972-499-5457 or request an appointment online.

Meet Dr. Courtney

Dr. Courtney is an exceptionally skilled orthopedic spine surgeon treating patients in the Frisco area. He provides high-quality care for back and spine conditions affecting patients’ daily lives. His main focus is ensuring patients are comfortable and well-informed as they consider surgical and non-surgical treatment options for their symptoms.

By incorporating a high level of professional skill and cutting-edge technology, Dr. Courtney has earned a glowing reputation among patients and peers as a compassionate orthopedic spine surgeon. His nearly 30 years of experience, board certification, and fellowship training are all testaments to his skills as a medical provider.

To learn more about Dr. Courtney and his qualifications, we welcome you to explore his biography page.

Dr. Courtney Plano Spine Doctor

What Is an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon?

An orthopedic spine surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of conditions and disorders related to the spine. These specialists have extensive training in orthopedic surgery with a particular focus on the spine, including the vertebrae, discs, nerves, and supporting structures.

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon vs. Neurosurgeon for Spine Surgery

Choosing between an orthopedic spine surgeon and a neurosurgeon for spine surgery often depends on the specific condition, the patient’s individual needs, and the expertise of the surgeon. While both types of surgeons are extremely skilled and capable of performing spine and back surgery, there are a few benefits to choosing an orthopedic spine surgeon.

  • Training and background: Orthopedic surgeons who specialize in spine surgery undergo extensive training in orthopedic surgery and further focus on spine-related conditions during their fellowship training. In other words, they have a distinct focus on orthopedic conditions and treatments affecting the spine.
  • Surgical approaches: Suppose your symptoms are the result of degeneration, mechanical issues, or spinal deformities. These are the main focuses of orthopedic spine surgeons, as they perform procedures like spinal fusion, decompression surgeries, and correction of deformities.
  • Expertise and focus: If your condition affects your musculoskeletal system, an orthopedic spine surgeon is an excellent choice. They concentrate on conditions affecting the bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments. They are skilled in treating spinal conditions involving bones, discs, and deformities.

Orthopedic Spine Surgery in Frisco, TX

Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technologies, enabling us to deliver the highest standard of care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Whether it’s addressing herniated discs, chronic pain, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or complex spinal deformities, our practice is dedicated to delivering outstanding results while prioritizing patient well-being.

We understand the impact that spinal conditions can have on daily life, and our goal is to guide our patients through their treatment journey with the utmost professionalism, empathy, and expertise. From conservative approaches to advanced surgical interventions, we offer a comprehensive range of treatment options aimed at achieving optimal outcomes and restoring function.

At our practice serving Frisco, TX, we believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge and resources needed to make informed decisions about their spinal health. We invite you to explore our services, meet our expert team, and take the first step towards a healthier, pain-free life. Your journey to a healthier spine begins here.

How Do We Diagnose Patients?

We employ a variety of methods to diagnose patients presenting with spinal conditions. These methods typically involve a combination of medical history review, physical examination, imaging studies, and sometimes additional diagnostic tests.

  • Medical history review: We start by discussing your symptoms, including the location, duration, and severity of pain, any history of injuries, previous treatments, and overall health. Understanding the patient’s medical history is crucial in identifying potential causes and contributing factors to the spinal condition.
  • Physical examinations: We also conduct a comprehensive physical examination to assess the patient’s range of motion, strength, reflexes, sensation, and any physical signs related to the spine. This examination may include specific tests to evaluate the spine’s alignment, flexibility, and potential areas of tenderness or abnormality.
  • Imaging studies: Diagnostic imaging plays a significant role in evaluating spinal conditions. We commonly use various imaging techniques to get detailed views of the spine. These may include X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (Computed Tomography) scans, or other specialized imaging studies.
  • Other diagnostic tests: These tests might involve nerve conduction studies, electromyography (EMG), bone scans, or other specialized tests to assess nerve function, muscle activity, or bone metabolism.

What Surgical Treatment Options Do We Offer?

Orthopedic spine surgeons specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the spine. They are trained to perform complex spine surgery aimed at addressing spine-related issues. Some of the surgical treatments we offer include the following.

frisco spine

Cervical spinal fusion is a surgical procedure performed to stabilize and fuse together two or more vertebrae in the cervical (neck) region of the spine. It aims to alleviate back and neck pain, address instability, or reduce pressure on spinal nerves or the spinal cord. The procedure involves permanently joining adjacent vertebrae, limiting motion between them, and promoting spinal stability.

Lumbar spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that stabilizes and fuses together vertebrae in the lower back to alleviate pain, address instability, or reduce pressure on nerves. It limits motion between vertebrae to enhance spinal stability.

Cervical epidural injections are a conservative, non-surgical treatment used to alleviate pain and inflammation in the neck, cervical spine, and surrounding nerves. These injections deliver medication, usually a combination of a corticosteroid (anti-inflammatory medication) and a local anesthetic, into the epidural space around the cervical spinal nerves.

They differ from trigger point injections, which are typically administered to painful areas of muscle that won’t relax or that form knots.

Cervical revision surgery refers to a subsequent surgical procedure performed on the cervical spine (neck) after a previous cervical spine surgery has been conducted. This secondary surgery aims to address issues related to the initial surgical procedure or to manage complications that may have arisen following the first surgery.

Lumbar epidural injections are minimally invasive procedures delivering a combination of anti-inflammatory corticosteroids and local anesthetics into the lower back’s epidural space. They alleviate pain from conditions like herniated discs or spinal stenosis by reducing inflammation around affected nerves. They differ from selective nerve root blocks, which typically do not enter the epidural space.

Lumbar microdiscectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure performed to treat a herniated or ruptured disc in the lower back (lumbar spine). The procedure aims to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves and alleviate symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, or weakness caused by the disc pressing on the nerves.

Lumbar revision surgery is a secondary procedure performed on the lower back after a prior lumbar spine surgery. It aims to correct issues like incomplete healing, hardware problems, recurrent herniation, or persistent pain.

Lumbar minimally invasive surgery (lumbarMIS) is a surgical approach to treat various spinal conditions in the lower back using minimally invasive techniques. It aims to address issues such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spinal instability while minimizing damage to surrounding muscles and tissues. It is an excellent alternative to traditional surgical options that may cause more tissue damage and longer healing times.

What Is the Difference Between Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Traditional Spine Surgery?

Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) and traditional spine surgery differ in their approach, techniques, invasiveness, and recovery. Minimally invasive spine surgery aims to achieve similar outcomes as traditional open surgery while minimizing tissue damage, reducing recovery time, and lowering the risk of complications.

However, the suitability of a specific surgical approach depends on the patient’s condition, the type of spinal problem, and the surgeon’s expertise in performing minimally invasive techniques. Consulting with a spine specialist or surgeon is crucial to determine the most appropriate approach for an individual’s specific spinal condition.

What Conditions Do Orthopedic Spine Surgeons Treat?

Orthopedic spine surgeons specialize in diagnosing and treating various conditions affecting the spine and related structures, such as back and neck pain or even complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Some of the conditions we commonly treat include the following.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the spaces within the spine, which leads to compression of the spinal cord and/or nerve roots. This compression can result in various symptoms, including pain, numbness, weakness, or tingling in the arms, legs, back, or neck.


Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest nerve in the body. The pain typically originates in the lower back or buttock region and travels down the back of the thigh, sometimes extending into the lower leg or foot.


Spondylosis, also known as spinal osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease, refers to the natural degenerative changes that occur in the spine as a result of aging. It is a condition characterized by wear and tear on the spinal discs, vertebrae, and other structures of the spine.


Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition characterized by the forward displacement or slipping of one vertebra over the one below it. This condition can occur in any part of the spine but is most common in the lower back (lumbar spine).

Spinal Deformities

Spinal deformities refer to abnormal curvatures or misalignments of the spine, leading to irregular structures or shapes. These deformities can occur at any level of the spine and can manifest in various forms, impacting the spine’s natural curvature or alignment.

Herniated or Bulging Discs

A herniated disc or bulging disc refers to a spinal disc’s abnormal condition in which the inner, softer part of the disc pushes through the tough outer layer, causing a bulge or rupture. This can result in compression or irritation of nearby spinal nerves. Herniated discs can cause various symptoms, such as sharp pain or numbness in the legs, hips, or buttocks.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is a condition characterized by the gradual deterioration of the spinal discs over time. Contrary to its name, it is not always a disease but rather a natural age-related process that affects the intervertebral discs, the soft, rubbery cushions between the vertebrae that make up the spine.

Preventing Spine and Back Pain

back surgeon frisco

Preventing spine and back pain involves adopting healthy habits and making ergonomic adjustments, such as the following.

  • Exercise Regularly: Strengthen core and back muscles through activities like walking, swimming, physical therapy, or yoga.
  • Maintain Healthy Weight: Manage weight to reduce strain on the spine and lower the risk of back pain.
  • Practice Good Posture: Sit, stand, and lift properly to avoid slouching or hunching. Use ergonomic supports when working.
  • Lift Safely: Bend your knees, keep your back straight, and lift with your legs when lifting heavy objects.
  • Take Breaks and Stretch: Stand, stretch, or walk around regularly if sitting for long periods. Perform gentle back and neck stretches.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking can harm spinal discs, increasing the risk of back pain. Quitting can benefit spinal health.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Stay hydrated, eat well, get adequate sleep, and manage stress for overall spine health.
  • Choose Proper Footwear: Wear supportive shoes to maintain good posture and reduce back strain.

These tips help reduce the risk of spine and back pain. If you start to experience any symptoms affecting your back or spine, contact the Advanced Spine Center. We will evaluate your condition, identify the source of your symptoms, and develop a personalized treatment plan for you.

Schedule an Appointment at the Advanced Spine Center Today

The Advanced Spine Center is your partner in spinal health. Dr. Courtney and our dedicated team are committed to delivering exceptional care, utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, and prioritizing your well-being above all else.

Please call our office at 972-499-5457 to schedule a consultation or schedule an appointment online. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in achieving a pain-free and active lifestyle. We look forward to being a part of your journey towards improved spinal health.


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